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La Nazione Firenze April 2023

“Mello’s sense of light and color – the exhibition lands in the Sala d’Arme”

by Maurizio Costanzo

The exhibition curated by the Mello Foundation is entitled ‘Gianfranco Mello, Light and Color’ and is set up in the Sala d’Arme of Palazzo Vecchio and can be visited from 10am to 6pm with free entry until 16 April.

Eleven paintings on display, real frescoes on canvas, which testify to the artist’s technique refined after years of intense and continuous work.

Inaugurated in the presence of the curators Lacopo Vigevani and Luciana Frilli, deputy mayor and councilor for culture, Alessia Bettini underlined that: Her works speak to us of a poetics made up of suggestions and study, and of a highly refined technique that is well expressed in these eleven modern frescoes.

Venetian but Florentine by adoption, he took his first steps in art in our city from a very young age until he established himself and fully expressed his wonderful vocation.

We are proud to host this exhibition curated by the Mello Foundation at Palazzo Vecchio, a treasure chest of beauties to be discovered.” The canvases on display cover the themes dearest to the artist, focusing in particular on the views of our city. A distinctive element is his technique pictorial, similar to that of a modern fresco. The exhibition was conceived by the Mello Foundation as an exhibition project to raise awareness of the figure and work of the master.

Opening of the Exhibition. From left, Iacopo Vigevani, Luciana Frilli, Alessia Bettini (vice mayor), Emanuele Calabrese Ioppolo.