Sala d’Arme di Palazzo Vecchio Aprile 2023

The exhibition ‘Gianfranco Mello, La Luce e il Colore’ represented a true journey into Mello’s pictorial universe through eleven paintings, true frescoes on canvas, testifying to a technique honed after years of intense and continuous work.
Venetian but Florentine by adoption, from a very young age it was in our city that Mello took his first steps in art until he was able to establish himself and fully express his wonderful vocation.
It was therefore dutiful that in our city, in the civic home of the Florentines, we had the opportunity to recount his precious artistic experience.
His works speak to us of a poetics of suggestion and study and of a highly refined technique that is well expressed in these eleven modern frescoes.
Mello’s relationship with nature is exceptional, resulting in vivid and evocative paintings, a courtly but at the same time thoroughly modern brushstroke. His is an outstanding artistic personality that has been able to depict the beauty of Florence and the Tuscan landscape at its best.
It was a source of pride for us to host this exhibition in Palazzo Vecchio, curated by the Mello Foundation , which is itself a treasure trove of beauty to be discovered.
Alessia Bettini
Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of Firenze
Florence, July 2023

The unshakable faith in your work has brought us until here.
Think, we are in the Sala d’Arme of Palazzo Vecchio which we have visited so many times together, and this room practically intact since 1425 and above which rests the Salone dei Cinquecento, today it houses your paintings.
Thousands of people watched, rejoiced, thought, photographed, carried on the world the image of your paintings and of the Veneto-Toscana culture they are permeated with.
Together with many dear people I made my dream come true.
Thanks forever Gianfranco.
LUCI April, 2023

Santa Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi – 2005

Venetian by origin and Florentine by adoption, Mello is exhibiting recent large-scale paintings in this evocative Renaissance space. With a quote chosen as the exhibition’s subtitle that reads, “Art does not have to be ugly to seem intelligent.”
A few faces blurred in memory, but mostly landscapes, the light-flooded, flower-filled, citrus-scented countryside of a land “full of grace,” the city with its Dome, terraces overlooking the rooftops of Florence, a prayer of beauty and peace suffused with colors and silent atmospheres.
Basilica di San Marco 1998

O cypress of my homeland, dark as my soul, closed and gloomy as my soul!
Cypress that the wind shakes without opening you and the sun shines without warming you.
Cypress that you keep hidden the trunk
As the body hides the spirit
Cypress that winter chills but
does not kill, that the sun burns but does not desiccate.
Cypress of my homeland, master, friend, my brother, teach me something of your stern wisdom, give me something of your silent strength.
Giovanni Papini
Basilica di Santa Croce 1997

The painting <The Camellia of the Garden of Palazzo Graziani> displayed in the Cloister of Arnolfo of the Basilica of Santa Croce was given to Ms. L.J. of Chicago -Usa- for the charity auction held in Chicago by URBAN GATEWAYS.
Zurigo 1994

Parigi 1993

Basilica di Santa Croce 1992

In appearance magniloquent and sumptuous, in reality intriguing and subtle, introverted and even shy the solo exhibition of Franco Mello’s “recent paintings,” which the Cloisters of the Basilica of Santa Croce hosted from April 11 to May 15, immediately explicating already in its subtitle, Time of Death and Resurrection, the mixture and the secret yeast.
City of Life -Prof. Fornaretto Vieri

Galleria F.lli Alinari 1974

Philadelphia-Usa- 1971 – Drexel University